MCP 029 – MAKING THE CUT: Chapter 20

It’s morning at the Sommers cell, and Daniel and Rebecca must deal with the messy side-effects of their relationship choices. Plus, Abbey Preston returns!

The Story So Far:

David van Sunder of Millionaire or Bust

The Cast:

Rebecca Brower – MA in PA
Sasha King – Dani Cutler
Fiona hin’Connaill – Christiana Ellis
Brian Sommers – Bryan Watson
Victor hin’Kavos – Bill Bowman
Abbey Preston – Heather Nowak
Artax – Bryan Watson


Geek Cred

Murder at Avedon Hill


Mur Lafferty

The Music:

Intro: “Zeon Control”, by Metaverse
The Story So Far: “Theatrical Trailer”, by Budha Building
Waking up Rebecca: “Mothersland, Cue 4A”, by David Beard
Can’t Hide From Our Problems: “Mothersland, Cue 11″, by David Beard
Brian’s Guilt: “Loving You”, from StackTraxx Vol. 30
Embarrassing Revelation: “Hard Jack”, from StackTraxx Vol. 04
An Uncomfortable Proposal: “Nowhere, Cue 1″, by David Beard
Suppressing Thoughts: “Restless Spirits Underscore, Cue 5″, by David Beard
Brian’s Third Requirement: “Ladder Strings – Variant 1″, by David Beard
You’ve Got A Deal: “New Ideas”, from StackTraxx Vol. 03
Scene Break: “Jetlag”, by Metaverse
Everything Had Changed: “Mothersland, Cue 15A”, by David Beard
Victor Remembers Egan: “Fight Strings”, by David Beard
Abbey’s News: “Ginger Dream”, by David Beard
Not Safe: Mash-up of “Electroscape 1″ by ERH and “Misplaced Toy Theme”, by David Beard
Doesn’t This Scare You: “Get in the Car, no percussion”, by David Beard
The Sanctuary: “Surrounding Enemies”, from StackTraxx Vol. 46
Time to Disappear: “Dusk”, from StackTraxx Vol. 46
Resorting to the Classics: “Good vs. Evil”, from StackTraxx Vol. 50
The Geas: “Dusk”, from StackTraxx Vol. 46
Time to Leave: “Nowhere, Cue 2 (Strings only) and Cue 1″, by David Beard
Be That Woman For Me: “Mothersland, Cue 3″, by David Beard
Bed Music: “Smoke Filled Room”, by Dave Thornton

podsafe music network All music from David Beard is used by special permission from the artist. Music from ERH is provided through the Freesound Project. Music from StackTraxx obtained by license from Digital Juice. All other music is provided through agreement with the Podsafe Music Network.

Some sound effects were provided by Soundsnap; others were provided by the Freesound Project.



Tee Morris offers his passionate thoughts and feelings about Rebecca et al. and their intervention in Daniel/Danni’s life. Chris responds and provides additional perspective.

If you’d like to contribute feedback, please call our voicemail line at (206) 203-0994, or email your comments (in text or audio) to You can also participate in the discussion forums at

Next time on The Metamor City Podcast:

Danni’s back — and she is NOT happy. How will she respond to the “intervention” that has been forced on her? Meanwhile, Victor’s strategy against Miriam begins to be revealed: he’s got a plan to get the Elder off his back, and it’s not going to be pretty…

Keep it on the bright side!

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