The Metamor City Podcast was a sci-fi/fantasy audio fiction series that ran from 2007 to 2010, with some additional content in early 2011. It is distributed for free through this website. It features a mixture of short stories and full-length novels, all taking place in one large world with an overarching story arc. Combining the narration of audiobooks with the music and sound effects of a serial radio drama, The Metamor City Podcast provided an immersive audio experience of a world like no other.
In May 2015 author Chris Lester returned with a new podcast, The Raven & the Writing Desk, which features additional stories both inside and outside the Metamor City universe. These stories are presented in single-narrator format, with high-quality audio but minimal music and sound effects. New episodes of The Raven & the Writing Desk are released each week on Saturday or Sunday, both here and at
To Learn More: Click the navigation links at the top of the page to meet the cast, learn about the characters, and discover more of the world of Metamor City.
To Subscribe: Click on the “Subscribe with iTunes” button in the sidebar, or click on the Metamor City feed button to subscribe with the aggregator of your choice.
Confused About Podcasts? The “What is a Podcast?” page will answer your questions!
Fan Page: Be sure to visit the Fans of Metamor City page on Facebook for discussions, fan art, and other fan-driven content in the world of Metamor City!
E-Books: If you prefer to read your fiction rather than listening to it, check out Chris Lester’s Author Page on and his Profile Page on A variety of short stories, novellas and novels are available for purchase.
Merchandise: For posters, t-shirts, coffee mugs and more, check out Metamor City’s Zazzle page.
Welcome to the city — we hope you enjoy your stay!