TRATWD 355 – Honor Reclaimed, Ch 6: The Wisdom of Sirach

Honor has a strange dream. Lady Drauling gets to know her guests.

NOTE: This is the last episode for 2022. We will take a one-week hiatus for Christmas, and then be back on January 1st, 2023.

Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention, The Lost and the Least, Distant Realms, A Wizard Family Solstice, Homecoming, Making the Cut, Honor Bound, Honor Tested, Honor Reclaimed (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

Buy Honor Bound (E-Book)

Buy Honor of Bellvue Omnibus (Paperback or Hardcover)

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TRATWD 259 – Making the Cut, Author’s Note & Prologue

Introducing the all-new solo read of the Fourth Edition of MAKING THE CUT! This week’s episode includes a new Author’s Note and the Prologue.

Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention, The Lost and the Least, Distant Realms, A Wizard Family Solstice , Homecoming (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

Buy Making the Cut on Amazon (Kindle)

Buy Making the Cut on Smashwords (EPUB)

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Fans of Metamor City FB Group

Metamor City Discord Server

Support Chris Lester on Patreon

TRATWD 175 – The Lost and the Least, Chapter 33

Kate has another weird dream … and then gets some disturbing news from Callie.

Buy TLATL on Amazon (Ebook or Hardcover)

Metamor City Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention

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Fans of Metamor City FB Group

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Leave a review on iTunes

TRATWD 160 – The Lost and the Least, Chapter 18

 In which Kate encounters a mysterious stranger — and Callie meets her new sysadmin.

Buy TLATL on Amazon (Ebook or Hardcover)

Metamor City Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention

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Fans of Metamor City FB Group

Support the show on Patreon

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MCP 049 – Dreams of Change, Part 4

Ben has found a refuge for the moment, but his troubles are far from over. The Grace family has secrets of its own, and things only get more complicated when Ben’s unpredictable power strikes again … and this time, he’s not the only target…

Story by Nobilis Reed
Performed by Chris Lester
Edited by Scott Roche and Paulette Jaxton

The Cast:

Chris Lester as Ben Stansfield
Mae Breakall as Female Ben and Natalie-as-Ben
Josh Knapp as Receptionist
Kimi Alexandre as Natalie Grace
Blaque Saber as Leo
Nathan Lowell as Harrison
Philippa Ballantine as Professor Swallowtail
Deirdre Reed as Miss Walters