TRATWD 199 – The Lost and the Least, Chapter 57

With the Brotherhood’s operation disrupted, John and Morgan choose a new objective. Meanwhile, Michael faces the trap set for him by Sergeant Hawkins.

Metamor City Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

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TRATWD 198 – The Lost and the Least, Chapter 56

Michael finds himself in custody. Jared has a difficult choice to make. Kate needs a little help after her ordeal.

Metamor City Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

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Fans of Metamor City FB Group

TRATWD 197 – The Lost and the Least, Chapter 55

Kate must wrestle a river of magic to put a stop to the Brotherhood’s sinister ritual. Jared receives a terrifying vision.

Metamor City Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

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TRATWD 196 – The Lost and the Least, Chapter 54

Lizzy gets Will to safety. Will finally learns what Morgan did to him, and wrestles with all he has learned.

Metamor City Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

Buy Homecoming on Amazon (Kindle)

Buy Homecoming on Smashwords (EPUB)

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Fans of Metamor City FB Group

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