MCP 020 – MAKING THE CUT: Chapter 12

Evan takes Daniel to SPELLS 4 U for a magical check-up. Has Danni been ensorcelled? And, if so, can Artax do anything to help her?


Evan Selindi – Tee Morris
Artax – Bryan Watson
Danni Sharabi – Sara Lloyd
Rebecca Brower – MA in PA
Answer Machine Voice – Martyn Casserly
Jared Tamlin – Jason Adams

MCP 019 – MAKING THE CUT: Chapter 11

Danni has her first real date with a man. Will it be all that she expected? And how is Nate going to react to having a bombshell like Danni living in the apartment?

Note: Chris gives his after-action report on Balticon 42 and gets rather mushy on the subject. If you’d rather not listen to the chatter, skip ahead to about the 14-minute mark.


Danni Sharabi – Sara Lloyd
Nathan Levy – Steve Eley
Jared Tamlin – Jason Adams
Evan Selindi – Tee Morris

MCP 016 – MAKING THE CUT: Chapter 08

As the telepaths lay one of their own to rest, Daniel makes a choice that will have a dramatic impact on his future. Much to his surprise, he then has a run-in with one of his erstwhile partners, who has some ideas that could change Daniel’s life even more dramatically.


Priest — P.C. Haring
Rebecca Brower — MA in PA
Josephine Matthews — Jessica Sharrow
Eva Selindi — Philippa Ballantine
Evan Selindi — Tee Morris