TRATWD 351 – Honor Reclaimed, Ch 2: Friendship

Honor is stuck on a train with Delphinia. Natasha gets some important backstory from Mabel.

Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention, The Lost and the Least, Distant Realms, A Wizard Family Solstice, Homecoming, Making the Cut, Honor Bound, Honor Tested, Honor Reclaimed (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

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TRATWD 328 – Honor Bound, Ch 11: Callers

Honor deals with the aftermath of her night of partying — and then receives a visit from Natasha, who has unexpected news.

Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention, The Lost and the Least, Distant Realms, A Wizard Family Solstice, Homecoming, Making the Cut, Honor Bound, Honor Tested, Honor Reclaimed (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

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TRATWD 327 – Honor Bound, Ch 10: Not Today

Natasha deals with the fallout from her encounter with Lady Honor.

Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention, The Lost and the Least, Distant Realms, A Wizard Family Solstice, Homecoming, Making the Cut, Honor Bound, Honor Tested, Honor Reclaimed (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

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TRATWD 322 – Honor Bound, Ch 5: Making Friends

Season Eight of THE RAVEN AND THE WRITING DESK begins! In chapter 5, Honor meets some of her fellow debutantes for the first time — and learns that there’s a lot she missed, living out in the country…

Audiobooks for Sale: Urban LegendsThings UnseenDivine Intervention, The Lost and the Least, Distant Realms, A Wizard Family Solstice, Homecoming, Making the Cut, Honor Bound, Honor Tested, Honor Reclaimed (Use these bounty links and Chris will get a special bonus payment from Audible!)

Buy Honor Bound (E-Book)

Buy Honor of Bellvue Omnibus (Paperback or Hardcover)

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